Italian Wine Scholar: Unit 2
Tasting Lab/Hybrid Study, Sunday evenings at Old World Tasting Room
Service Description
A continued in-depth study of Italy's wine-producing regions including grape varieties, the origin of cultivars, geological exploration, vine cultivation, and viticulture, history of the region's winemaking, food specific to each region, and regulations for wine categories. Sensory evaluation of representative wines assessed in each class. Students achieving a combined score of 75 or greater on Unit I and Unit II exams will be awarded the internationally prestigious title of Italian Wine Scholar and may use the post-nominal, IWS. 2025 Class Dates: Unit 2: TASTING LABS - Sundays January 12 & 19 - 6-9pm Sunday, FEBRUARY 9 noon-1pm: Online Exam Prep Sunday, FEBRUARY 16, noon-2pm - Online Review Exam: FEBRUARY 23: 6-7pm Course Registration Fee: $850 This course will be co-taught by Tanya Morning Star, IWS
Contact Details
Seattle, WA, USA